The new number of The Hog-hunters Annual (obtainable in England
from the Agent 'of the Hog-hunters Annual, With- ington Manor, Andoversford, Glos, 78. 6d.) is a- production which reflects great credit on its editors, Captains Nugent, Head and Scott Cockburn, of the 4th Q.O. Hussars. In illustrations and text it is a volume worthy of .pigsticking- and we can give it no higher praise than that. Not only will old pigstickers find the doings of • such famous men as Poynter, Bromilow and Brayne recorded in last year's Kadir Cup, but also all who arc interested in sport in India will find here articles of interest and sportsmen of renown such as Sir Robert Baden-Powell- and General - Vaughan. Colonel Gannon contributes a -short sketch of Lord Rawlinson pig- sticking at the -age .of sixty-cine at .Delhi. - ColOnel Norton of Everest fame, has a delightful article on pigsticking in Tiiikey. In short this number is full of good things both in poetry and prose, and we are glad to sec that it is supported by no less than thirty-eight pages of advertisements, which speaks well for the circulation and permanence of the Annual.