M. de Foy, the matrimonial agent at Paris, being ungratefully
denied the stipulated reward by a Benedict for whom be had procured a wealthy bride, brought his action before the Tribunal de Premiere Instance ; but his suit was negatived. An appeal was made on Satur- day to the Royal Court ; which, however, also decided that the con- tract between the votary of Hymen and his deputy was not good in the courts of Justitia. In the course of the proceedings, it appeared that the candidates for admission into the temple of the saffron-robed deity were called upon to sign a contract binding themselves to leave all the means for accomplishing the desired union to the experience and wis- dom of M. de Foy, who never makes known the subordirtate agents he employs, or his mode of proceeding ; and stipulating that the for- tunate husband should pay a sum equal to five per cent. on the dower he may receive, as a compensation for the trouble and expense in con- ducting the negotiation to a happy issue, and as a token of the grati- tude of the successful aspirant.—Gulignani's Messenger.
The celebrated poet and improvisatore, Thomas Sgricci, of Avast), died lately at Florence.