By The Latest Accounts From Constantinople, It Appears...
Sultan has commanded the military to pay religious honours to his portrait, and thereby provoked a quarrel with the Ulemas. His real object is said to be to drive the Ulernas......
M. Rayneval, The French Ambassador, Died On The' 16th, Of
a pulmonary complaint, aggravated by anxiety, and the bad air of the district between Madrid and St. Ildefonso, which he was fre- quently obliged to traverse. RAYNEVAL was an......
The Attempt Of The Duke De Montebello To Dictate To
the Swiss Diet, has excited quite a ferment in Switzerland. Public meetings to protest against French interference in their internal concerns have been held by the people of......
Tlebatest Anti Proceetiiiiint In Parliament.
THE CLOSE OE THE SESSION. Both Houses of Parliament met on Saturday about one o'clock. In the House of Commons, Mr. Hume moved for returns relative to Sir Francis Head's grants......
News Of The Week.
HAVING said farewell to the unsatisfactory session of the British Parliament, we follow the changing scene, and find events in Spain arrived at a crisis of "most admired......
The French Ministry Appears To Be In A Very Unsettled
state. THIERS is said to have recurred to his opinion of the neces- sity of effectual operations for putting down the Carlist insur- rection in Spain. This obstinacy, on the......