Trbe Cowl The King Gave A Grand Dinner In St.
George's Hall, Windsor Castle, on Monday, in honour of his own birth-day. The Dittchess of Kent and Princess the Victoria weie present at the entertainment ; to- gether with 170......
The Duke Of Brunswick Accompanied Mn. Graham On Monday, In
a balloon asecia iron, the Flora Gardens, Bayswater. The Times penny-a-liner gives the following aceuunt of the commencement of the expedition : its tern ination, it will be......
The Bow Street Officers Seized 4,300 Sheets Of Unstamped...
papers on Thursday. The Bow Street officers seized 4,300 sheets of unstamped news- papers on Thursday. At the l'haines Police-office, on Wednesday, William Shepherd, a Amerman,......
At A Court Of East India Directors, Held On Wednesday,
Mr. Charles May Lushington was provisionally appointed a member of the Council of Fort Sr. George, to succeed Mr. George Edward Rus- sell on the completion of that gentleman's......
Cir Aletroviiim A Public Meeting, Very Numerously...
on Tuesday evening, at the Chapel, Chapel Court, Southwark, for the purpose of " memorializing the Secretary of State respecting the enormous powers of the Poor.......