The Bow Street officers seized 4,300 sheets of unstamped news-
papers on Thursday. The Bow Street officers seized 4,300 sheets of unstamped news- papers on Thursday.
At the l'haines Police-office, on Wednesday, William Shepherd, a Amerman, was chLrged ti jib an assault on Gcorge Lynch, the master of the George Carmine. it Wuulwich steam-boat. Captain Lynch gave the follow big testimony— His ve,sel was g&o,g down the River, with a great number of passengers on board ; and in limel rinse-leach met ale deferidata. who was in his wherry, rowing act INS the stleam town& l'Euealit's stairs, Rot herit he. He hailed himn to row clear of the straalel : instead of whieh he iittcd right across her bows: and witness immediately directed the engines to he eased. to prevent his being ron down ; arid tie .e-sal was stopiwd. The ori.mtleCs boat then cleated the hews nm ilfety ; 011 0hiell he Nicked his wherry as,erri, went aft, arid, taking a staple out ml it b,,x. itircw it at witness. The instrument passed river the en- ginmel 's II. Was standing op above the cog Me room, struck the paddle- box, ;rod rebotinding fell on Imo, hut without doing him any material injury. The prisoner then picked up another staple, and flora it at the mate, whir was at the wheel. stilt red, and the iron staple just mcii his head, and fell oa t he deck, where it stuck. The iron staples with sharp points were produced. The prisoner said, tbat he was much alarmed when he saw the steamer coining down fast upon him, and "sting out ;" btu the people on board laughed at him ; which put him in such a rage that he threw the staples at the pcople in the steamer. Ile was very sorry for what he had done.
Mr. Broclerip the Magistrate said, it was a most infamous proceed- ing. The sharpness of the stap!es MIS proved by 'heir sticking in the deck : if they had struck any person, death might have ensued. Mr. Bkillantine said, be Lad frequently observed, that when steamers were going along with every possible Fecal:lion, the watermen put them- selves right iii the way, and began hooting and throwing missiles at the passengers. The prisoner Wag fined 8/. and costs. Mr. Massey, owner of the steam-boat, legged the Magistrates to remit the tine, on account of the pri.mner's povei -y. Mr. 13roderip said he was surprised at the request, and refused to grant it.