A celebrated man of fashion, well-known in the circles of
high life, has eloped with the fair daughter of a reverend divine, residing in the neighbourhood of Portman Square. It is supposed the parties have gone to Scotland, whither a messenger was despatched after them on Sunday afternoon; information having been given of the parties set- ting off in a post-chaise and four early on Sunday morning, which was waiting for them in Oxford Street. The lady has made her exit with 9001. in bank-notes, besides other property and wearing apparel to a considerable amount.—Jforning Chronicle. The late Mr. Rothschild's personal property in England has been sworn under a million: the probate-duty amounted to 15,000/. Sir Charles Bell, who for a number of years was principal surgecn to the Middlesex Hospital, has vacated that situation, and is appointed President of the Royal University of Surgeons at Edinburgh. Sir Charles is succeeded by Mr. Herbert Mayo. Captain Ross has arrived at Hull, after an unsuccessful voyage as far as Melville Bay, where he was stopped by the ice, in search of the missing whaler, the William Torr.