27 AUGUST 1836, Page 8


Mr. Ellice junior appears to be the choice of of the St. Andrew's Burghs; the numbers on follow—

For Mr. Ellice. For Mr. Prendergast.

41 83 121 9 16 2 8 4 186 98 Majority for Mr. Ellice 88

No returns from Crail had been received when this statement was made out; but they could not materially affect the result. The total constituency consists of 630; so that the opinions of an absolute ma- jority have not been ascertained by this ballot; but as regards the .Liberals, the numbers above given are probably decisive. Let them now apply their united force, with perfect cordiality and good faith, to the return of Mr. Ellice, the no longer 1Vhig, but professed Radical of the Durham school.

In the Edinburgh Registration Court, the Liberals established 423, the Tories 275, the Doubtfuls 79 claims. the Liberal electors the ballot being as

St. Andrew's Cupar A nstruthera and Kilrenny Pittenweem Crail, no return.

Total .......... ........