27 DECEMBER 1828, Page 13


Btarits.—On the 22d inst. at his house at the Admiralty, the Lady of Sir QIIIITra. Clerk, Bart. M.P. of a son—On the 21st inst. the Lady of John Bonham Carter„Eteu. M.P. of a daughter—On Sunday last, in Upper Wimpole-street, the Right HOW Rudy Amelia 'Sophia Boyce, of a daughter—At the Duke of Beaufort's, Badmintore,on the 19th inst. Lady Georgina Granville Ryder, of a son—At Umberslade, the Lady of Bolton King, Esq. of a son and heir—At Edinburgh, the Lady of Lieut.-Cole.Forlies Leith, of Whitehaugh, of a son and heir—At Cleasby, near Darlington, the. Madly nr. Octavus Wray, Esq. of the Hon. East India Company's Bengal Medical Seirake, of a son and heir—On the 19th inst. at Pakenham Hall, Ireland, the Conntet-s4i Long- ford, of a daughter, still-born—On the 20th inst. in Cumberland-street, Portman - square, the Lady of Dr. Harrington, of a son—On the 18th inst. at Beaufort Castle,. I uvernesshire, the Hon. Mrs. Fraser, of Lovat, of a son and heir—On the 26th inst., at St. Katharine's, Regent's Park, Lady Taylor of a still born child—In Grafton- street, on the 24th inst. Lady Vincent of u daughter—On the 24th inst. at Klima. Park, the seat of Col. Hughes, M.P., the Lady of Francis Lytticton Holyoak, Esq.,. of twin daughters.

MAR ACEs .—At Paris, Lord Viscount Percival, only son of the Earl of Egmont,. to Louise Marie, youngest daughter of the Count, D'Orselet—At Brotherton, Lord, Afuncaster, of Warter, Yorkshire, to Frances Catherine, the youngest daughter or Sir J. Ramsden, Bart. of Byram—On the 6th inst. at Florence, Stewart C. Bruce,. Esq. son of the late Sir Harvey Bruce, Bart. of Down-hill, in the county of Lou-- donderry, to Helen Baillie, daughter of William Alves, Esq. Enham-place, Hants— On the 22nd inst. at Richmond, Bulkley J. AL Pried, Esq. second sou of Mr. Serjeant Freed, to Emma, fourth daughter of AL Dick, Esq. of Richmond-hill—At Winchester, John Wickey Stable, Esq. of Welbeck-street, Cavendish-square, to Louisa, only daughter of Robert Jessett, Esq. of the Abbey, Winchester.

DEATHS.—At Clifton, on Sunday morning last, Lady Sawyer, the wife of Admire Sir Herbert Sawyer, K.C.B.—Lieut.-Col. Payne, commanding the Royal Artillery at Gibraltar.—On the 22d inst. at his house in Dorset-street, Blanchester-square, aged 63, William Hyde Wollaston, M.D. V.P.R.S. Foreign Associate of the Academy or Sciences of Paris, and Senior Fellow of Gonville and Caius .College, Cambridge— At Arundel, Mrs. Sarah Spencer, aged 99, and the last in that town of the Society of Friends—At Laughton, near Moneygall, couuty of Tipperary, from the effects of a fall from his horse, in hunting, Thomas Ryder Pepper, Esq. an active and zealous• magistrate—On the 24th inst. at Brighton, Sir Hutton Cooper, Bart., Groom of the Chamber to His Royal Highness the Duke of Clarence, M.P. for Dartmouth, and. Lieut.-Colonel of the 2d Somerset Militia—At Edinburgh, Mrs. Murray, widow of the late Lord Henderlaud, and daughter of Sir Alexander Lindsay, of Eveliek—On. the 16th inst. at Lausanne, aged 83, Maria Eliza Rundell, widow of the late Thomas Runde'', Esq. of Bath—On the 3d inst. suddenly, at his residence in Hampton, the Right Rev. Robert Stanser, D.D., for merly of St. John's College, Cambridge, in the 69th year of his age—On the 18th inst. aged 70, Mrs. Sharpe, wife of Mr. Sharpe, farmer, of Wigtoft; on Saturday last, aged 25, Miss Hannah Sharpe, youngest of' the deceased; and on Tuesday night last, aged 77. Mr. Sharpe, husband and lathes of the above. Thus, within the short space of five days, father, mother, and daughter, have been snatched from this world of woe !—In the Fleet Prison, on the 26th inst. the Rev. Mr. Chaundy, in the meridian of life. This makes the ninth death which has happened in the Fleet since the 29th of April last.