27 DECEMBER 1828, page 8

Hush Fooleries—o'connell's Seat For Clare.

TIMES—Mr. O'Connell pledges himself over and over to insist on taking his scat for Clare, and on the first day of the approaching session. Our wishes Icing what they are, on......

State Of The Catholic Question.

DUBLIN EVENING POET—It must be admitted that the present is a very nervous, perhaps we might say a very awful period in the history of our country. On one side, we have united......

There Is Not One Law For The Rich, And Another

TOPICS OF THE DAY. " Mr. Marriott, the worthy Magistrate of Queen-square, has set an excellent ex- ample for the Bench of Judges in superior courts to follow in crim. con.......

The Duke Of Wellington's Letter To Dr. Curtis.

GLOBE—The Duke of Wellington in his letter admits, or rather affirms, two things—that a settlement of the Catholic question is most desirable, and that is should not despair, if......