It Would Appear That The French Are Going In Good
earnest to vindicate their claim to respect from the Algerines : at least there is a talk of sending an army of fifty thousand men against them. There is a report that Baron......
It Is Reported, And Believed, That The Emperor Of Brazil
is well pleased with his agents in Europe for changing the destination of his daughter ; and that Lord Strangford's mission will most likely come to nothing. The reception of......
A Popular Tumult In Brussels Succeeded The Conviction Of The
editor of a newspaper for libel. The species of the libel •does' pot very clearly appear from this description of it the principal charge against the accused was, that he had......
The Following Letter From The Prime Minister To Dr. Curtis,
the Catholic Archbishop of Armagh, and titulary Primate, has ob- NEWS OF THE WEEK. THE following letter from the Prime Minister to Dr. Curtis, the Catholic Archbishop of Armagh,......
It Is Gratifying To Learn That The Revenue For The
quarter is ex- pected to show'an increase . approaching to half a million, princi- pally in the Excise department. The revenue of the whole year will considerably exceed the......
At Gibraltar, The Fever Is Slowly But Surely Giving Way
to the influence of the season. For the first nine days of the present month, the deaths had been reduced to an average of six each day. The French physicians have decided that......
The British Merchants At Oporto Have Been Attempting To Com-
ply with a decree of Doll Miguel, in the election of a Judge Con- servator. In this they find a difficulty,—it is scarcely possible for the individual chosen to do justice to......
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