A Treatise on Hydrostatics, by the Rev. H. Thoseley, B.A. of St. John's College, Cambridge.
A Treatise on Printing and Dyeing Silk Shawls, Garments, Bandanas, &c. in Per- manent and fancy colours. By 11. McKernan, Experimental colour-maker, &c. Three Phrenological Essays, with a slight sketch of the Science of Phrenology. By Dr. Epps, author of the Internal Evidences of Christianity deduced from Phrenology. The Bookbinder's Manual ; containing a full description of Leather and Vellum Binding; also, numerous valuable Recipes for Sprinkling, Colouring, Prices, lac.
A second edition of Stories of Chivalry and Romance.
What must I do to be saved ? By the Rev. Richard Warner.
The Annual Peerage for 1829, with mew Plates of the Arms.
The Collegians, a Novel.
The third edition of Robinson', Designs for Ornamental Cottages, Lodges, Dairies, &c.
The Disowned has already run through a large edition and come to a second im- pression. The Arcane of Science and Art for 1829 ; containing all the Popular Discoveries and Immo tements of the past year, in Mechanical and Chemical Science, Natural History, Rural and Domestic Economy, the Useful and Fine Arts, and a Miscella- neous Register.
Mr. Murray's lists contain the following among other announcements :—A Me- moir of the Public Life of the late Lord Londonderry ; Flaxman's Lectures on Sculpture ; Lectures on Physical Geography, by Baron A. de Humboldt, translated from his MSS. ; the Rise and Progress of the English Commonwealth, from the Period of the Anglo-Saxons, by F. Palgrave, Esq.; the Journal of a Naturalist ; the Life and Services of Captain Philip Beaver, R.N., by Captain W. II. Smyth, R.N. , Captain Back's Arctic Scenery (of which we have seen portions, and may say it possesses great interest) ; Bertha's Visit to her Uncle in England ; Ulysses, the Author of Homer ; a second Vol. of Reliquire Diluvianze, by Professor Buckland ; Lives of British Painters, Sculptors, and Architects ; History of the Jews ; and a Historical Memoir of the Foreign Policy of Great Britain since 1814, by H. Ellis, Esq. ; Byron's Life, by Moore; Southey's All for Love; Colonel Leake's History of the Mores ; Gleig's Sermons ; Clapperton's Travels.
Allen's History of London.
The Groom's Oracle and Pocket Stable Directory. By John Hinds, author of " The Veterinary Surgeon."
The United Service' Journal, and Military and Naval Gazette, announced by Mr. Colburn to begin with the year, and to be continued monthly, is said to be united with the quarterly work of a similar nature.
Mr. Parkin has in the press the Abomination of Desolation, to show that the de- struction of Jerusalem is not predicted In Matt. 24, Mark 13, Luke 21.
A Guide to the Zoological Gardens and Museum.
The Adventures of a King's Page at our Court and at several Foreign Courts. By the Author of " Almack's Revisited."
R. a. d.
History of Bullanabee and Cliakataboo, ISmo. boards 0 3 6 Pitinock's Young Gentleman's Library, 18mo. boards .
3 6 Magendie's Physiology, by Milligan, third edition, Svo. boards 1 1 0 Josephine's Memoirs, French, Vol.?, Svo. sewed . 0 8 0 Lettersfrom an Eastern Colony, Svo. boards . . . 0 7 0 Croker's Legends of the Lakes, 2 vols. fcp. boards . 0 18 0 Forsyth's jurisprudence, Svo. boards . . . 0 10 6
Delkeskauip's Panorama of the Rhine, 4to. in case .
0 10 6 The Pomological Magazine, Vol. 1, royal Svo. boards . . . 3 3 0 Gleig's Sermons, 12mo. boards . . . . . 0 4 6 Montmorency, a Tragic Drama, by W. H. Montagu, crown Svo. boards 0 5 0 Widowson% Present State of Van Diemen's Land, Svo. boards 0 8 6 Mrs. Hurry's Sunday Lectures, 12mo. . 0 3 6 Dr. Channing's Works, I vol. Svo. . •
We began to think, with the public, that the Westminster Review had descended to the tomb of alt the Capulets. We have just learned, however, from one of our own advertisements, that the ensuing January is to witness a recovery, if not a resurrection ; and that the Westminster, retaining its indefeasible philosophical character, is in future to live like a punctual, well-behaved, and exceedingly agree. elite citizen of the world. The Westminster Review is to be a "Book with Two Lives."
The LondonReview, edited by the Rev. J. Blanco White, will, we are informed, appear early in February. The editor, in a brief prospectus, states, that the London Review is not established, as has been surmised from his former writings, with the design either of opposing or assisting the claims of the Roman Catholics. He also asserts independence of all parties ; attaches great weight to questions of political economy ; professes religious moderation; and his determination to advocate the Interests, rea lor supposed, of no class, however powerful, in opposition to those of
the community. ,