• STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY EVENING.—The transactions in MIT market on the three first days of this week, although not of very great extent, were of importance on account of the evidence which they afforded of increasing confidence. In our last report indeed, we expressed an opinion of the probability of this ; and although the transactions of Saturday seemed rather to be against that opinion, on Monday the market began to resume its favourable aspect, and Consols,which on Saturday were sold at 874, had on Thursday advanced to 874, buyers, for the opening in January; and this rise was accompanied by at least an equal advance in every other description of Stock. Nye trust this may continue ; and as the approach- ing payment of Dividends is expected to render money as plentiful as for- merly, it seems not improbable that the present prices may be maintained for a time. There are many who even calculate on a further and consi- derable rise in prices ; and this party refer, with great exultation, to the improving state of the revenue as a strong proof of continued prosperity in the country. It is so, certainly, while it continues ; but those who take the opposite side, represent that the high price of corn and other causes are likely enough to diminish the revenue in the ensuing quarter, and that the overflow of money occasioned by the circulation of the Dividends is liable to be counteracted by the preparations which must now be made bythe country bankers for calling in their small note Circulation.
To-day was observed as on Monday, and the. Stock Exchange was closed : a few of the dealers assembled on 'Change,l'but the transactions
were quite unimportant—a few bargains were mentioned at 87f. It was ascertained in the afternoon, that a fall had occurred in some of the-Ex- changes, especially that on Hamburg, which may possibly affect the
prices of the Funds to-morrow. The money is tolerably plentiful in the Stock-Exchange, but is said to be still scarce out of doors, and will pro- bably be so for another week to come.—Exchequer Bills and India Bonds are about 70.
The transactions in the Foreign market have been of the most unin- teresting character. Brazil Stock, after having been done at 631, is again
about 64; Russian 951 ; Mexican 321; and Colombian a little better, say 231 to 24. Spanish Bonds have fallen to 10. The Mining Shares are llA , SATURDAY, ONE O'CLOCK.—The market opened this morning at 871, with very little business for some time; but as the morning advanced, the disposition to sell stock became so general, that the price fell to 861 to 4, -wall a very heavy appearance. At this point a considerable purchase was made of reduced stock for transfer on Tuesday ; which counteracted the previous sales for a moment, and Consols advanced to 871 to # ; but upon some alarm the price fell in a few minutes to 874 to 4, at which it now remains. There is no doubt of this fall being chiefly owing to the state of the Exchanges yesterday. There is nothing in the Foreign mar- ket; and in shares the prices are only nominal.
Bank Stock, div. 8 per Cent. 3 per Cent. Reduced, 861 4 3 per Cent. Consols, shut 34 per Cent. 1818, 954 3I per Cent. Reduced, New 4 per Cents. 1822, shut 4 per Cents. 1826,
Long Annuities, (which expire 5th Jan. 1860) 194 7-10 India Stock, div. 104 per Cent. South Sea Stock, div. 31 per Cent.
India Bonds, t4 per Cent. until March, 1829, thereafter3perCent.) 71 pm. Exchequer Bills, (interest 2d. per Cent. per Diem,) 70, 69 pm. Consols for the opening, 21 Jan. (includ- ing div.) 871 1 4 4 # FOREIGN FUNDS, Austrian Bonds, 5 per cent. Brazilian Bonds, 632 64 Buenos Ayres 6 Cent. 48 49 Chilton,
Ditto, 1824, 231 24 Danish, 3 per Cent. 62/ 634 Greek 5 per Cent. 164 17 Mexican Ditto 6 per Cent. 324 Neapolitan 5 per Cent. Peruvian, 6 per Cent. Portuguese, 5 per Cent. 534 Prussian, Russian, 95 954
Spanisb, 10
Anglo-Mexican, Brazilian, Imperial, Real Del Monte, Bolanos, United
SATURDAY, Fong O'ctoce.—The banking-house of Messrs. Remington, Stephenson, and Co. has stopped payment. The Canso' market has not been further affected by this occurrence, the price having been about 87i for the last two hours, alternately buyers and sellers. The lowest price of the day was 87f. The market has closed at 871, buyers.