We omitted to notice last week the appointment - of Lord
Reay to the Governorship of Bombay, about to be vacated by Sir James Ferguson, whose time is expiring, and who has had but a limited success. The selection is very English. Lord Reay, with his double nationality and cosmopolitan experience, would make the best possible Viceroy for South Africa, and therefore we send him to Bombay. He should, however, make a good Governor there, being of all men the furthest removed from the dreamer the Times considers him to be. Is that journal going to contend for the appointment of Anglo-Indians to the Presidency Governorships P We thought it had been settled that European minds were wanted to guide the Indian Services, and should ourselves advocate the conversion of Bengal into a Governorship, with an English statesman as Governor. The Anglo-Indian Lieutenant-Governor has little to learn, but he of necessity thinks in a fixed groove.