Mr. Bright, In An Excellent Letter Published At Length In
Thursday's Times, comments on a paper read by Mr. Lywood at the Warminster meeting of the South Wilts Chamber of Agriculture, on "Agricultural Depressions,"—the object of the......
Germany And Russia Are Trying Hard To Force The English
hand in Egypt, and have demanded seats and votes in the Office of the Debt. Their object, of course, is to strengthen the representa- tion of the Bondholders, and at the same......
Peterhouse, Cambridge, Celebrated With Great Pomp On...
hundredth anniversary, having been founded on December 22nd, 1284. Mr. Lowell, who as usual had to answer to the toast of the Cambridge of the Transatlantic world, congratulated......
The Syston Book-sale Has Yielded The Two Greatest...
record,—the price of the splendid " Psalmortun Codex" of 1459, printed by Fust and Schoeffer, having even exceeded that of the "Mazarin Bible" by £1,050. The latter (the......
There Is Still A Real Mystery About The Alleged Depression
of trade. In spite of the outcry about it, which appears to be nearly universal, we are told this week that at a meeting of some of the Liverpool guardians,—the guardians for......
We Observe That With The New Year The Wesleyans Are
to issue a weekly penny paper, which is to be edited by the Rev. Hugh Price Hughes, and to be called the Methodist Times. From the programme which has been pat forth, we should......
Bank Rate, 5 Per Cent.
Consols were on Wednesday 99i to 99f xd.......
Several Facts Have Come Out Concerning The Results Of Pro-
fessor Ferrier's experiments on the monkeys' brains, so much vaunted by the Times of Tuesday week as having led to the exact localisation of the tumour in a paralytic patient's......
Another Collision Was Reported On Friday, This Time...
British steamer ' Chelydra,' 1,148 tons, and a Norwegian barque. Early on Thursday morning, the Chelydra,' bound for Bremerhaven with rice, was passing up Channel, and the......