Another collision was reported on Friday, this time between the
British steamer ' Chelydra,' 1,148 tons, and a Norwegian barque. Early on Thursday morning, the Chelydra,' bound for Bremerhaven with rice, was passing up Channel, and the Holstrend ' was passing down Channel, when the latter suddenly starboarded her helm, and crashed into the aide of the British vessel. The bows of the Holstrend ' were stove-in ; and her captain, with a crew of fifteen, took to his boats, with- out provisions, and has not since been heard of. The hole made in the Chelydra' was so serious that her captain also took to his boats, and in a few minutes the vessel sank, the boats fortunately being all picked up by a vessel which landed the wrecked crew in Plymouth. No week now passes without a record of a collision, and it is stated that the great business of underwriting is thrown into utter confusion by the conse- quent losses. This matter needs inquiry.