The Times Of Friday Published A Most Interesting Account Of
the recent British expedition into the Valley of Zhob (Job), undertaken to punish a chief who claims to be a descendant of the patriarch, but who has been raiding on our border,......
Lord John Manners, Speaking At Syston Yesterday Week, Made A
feeble attempt to treat the Government triumph on the Lord John Manners, speaking at Syston yesterday week, made a feeble attempt to treat the Government triumph on the......
The Times Correspondent In Paris Draws A Most Dreary Picture
of the internal condition of Russia. Count Tolstoi, the Minister of the Interior, exaggerates the old despotism, suppresses even local Councils, prohibits the discussion of any......
All Rumours From China Are This Week Unfavourable To The
French. It is stated• that the fleet off Formosa has cholera on board, that the blockade is imperfect, and that nothing whatever can be done towards the occupation of the island......
A Correspondent Of The Daily News, Evidently Well-...
that the single object of Prince Bismarck in resisting British policy in Egypt, and producing small embarrassments for the British Government, is to bring about the fall of Mr.......
Disquieting Rumours Arrive From Constantinople. The...
been in mutiny for arrears of pay, and the Treasury has with great difficulty scraped together enough to keep them quiet, and in doing it has increased the discontent among the......
We Omitted To Notice Last Week The Appointment - Of Lord
Reay to the Governorship of Bombay, about to be vacated by Sir James Ferguson, whose time is expiring, and who has had but a limited success. The selection is very English. Lord......
Lord Rosebery Has Issued A Circular To The Members Of
the House of Lords, asking each Peer whether he is favourable to the general principle of a Reform of the Lords, and if he is, in what direction he would be inclined to propose......