The Prince of Wales at the Mansion House on Thursday
week made a capital speech about his long tour in Canada and the United States. His anecdote about the woman who spoke to him at a wayside station in Canada, saying, " My husband met you at the front," reminded us of the value of the Crown as a personal link between the Dominions and the Mother Country. The Prince said, very wisely, that " the patriotism of the Dominions is national patriotism and not mere loyalty to Great Britain." They, like us, are loyal to
the Empire. " The King as Constitutional Sovereign of the Empire occupies exactly the same place in Canada and in the whole British Empire as he does in Great Britain." The Prince spoke of the wonderful welcome that he bad in Canada and of the demonstrations of goodwill that met him in America. He said that the world looked to Great Britain to show how the new social and economic problems could be solved, so that every child " may have a fair sporting chance."