27 DECEMBER 1919, page 1

Mr. Lloyd George Laid Great Stress On The Differences...

Ulster and the rest of Ireland. " It would be an outrage on the principle of self-government to place them [Ulster] under the rule of the remainder of the population." He quoted......

Imperial Parliament, Said Mr. Lloyd George, Would Reserve...

over the Crown, peace and war, foreign affairs, the Navy and Army, defence, treason, foreign trade, merchant shipping, wireless and cables. Until the Irish Parliaments were......

Bishop Fogarty In A Flight Of Fantastic Rhetoric...

see in the Lord Chief Justice's words, and also in the words of " Mr. Macpherson and his troupe," an accusation against the people of Clare that they are given over to every......

' 0 * * The Editor Cannot Accept Responsibility For Any...

letters submitted to him, but when stamped and addressed envelopes are sent he will do his best to return contributions in case of rejection.......

Meanwhile The Terror In Ireland Is As Bad As Ever.

The atrocious attempt on the life of Lord French naturally recalls the assassination in 1882 of Lord Frederick Cavendish and Mr. Burke, almost on the very same spot where Lord......

News Of The Week.

T HE chief event of the week was the speech ,in the House of Commons on Monday in which Mr. Lloyd George an- nounced the nature of the forthcoming Irish Bill. We have written......

In Regard To Finance, Mr. Lloyd George Said That The

two Irish Parliaments would have all the Irish taxes, less a fair contribu- tion for Imperial services calculated for the time being on the figures for the present year. Out of......

The Prime Minister Went On To Say That Lie Would

recommend the establishment of two Parliaments in Ireland, one for the North and the other for the South. He mentioned four different ways of defining the " North "—Ulster as a......

Several Correspondents Have Drawn Our Attention To An...

written by Bishop Fogarty, Roman Catholic Bishop of Killaloe, in the Dublin Evening Telegraph. It is bad enough, and certainly a very significant sign, that the Sinn Fein......