We Are Very Glad That The House Of Lords On
Thursday week insisted on maintaining Lord Newton's amendment to the Aliens Bill. The wholesale deportation of all remaining enemy aliens, except those who by luck or favour......
The American Senate Adjourned Last Saturday Without...
fresh decision about the Peace Treaty. Mr. Bryan and Mr. Taft have declared themselves in favour of ratifying the Treaty with some reservations, but the President has again let......
William Beynon, Commanding The Sixteenth Division,...
of the action of General Dyer at Amritsar, and stated that the Lieutenant-Governor, Sir Michael O'Dwyer, also approved of it. Colonel Johnson, who was in command at Lahore,......
The Hedjaz Arab Administration Recently Set Up In North-...
Syria, has already got into difficulties. Its Governor at Rakka, on the Euphrates east of Aleppo, began his rule on December 11th by attacking the town of Deir ez Zor, further......
In New Zealand, As In Australia, The Advocates Of Moder-
ation have won the General Election. Mr. Massey, the head of the Reform Ministry, is maintained in office by a large majority. Sir Joseph Ward, the Liberal leader, who left the......
General Denikin Has Made The Important Announcement That...
try to come to terms with the newly formed border States in order to present a united front to the Bolsheviks. It is most unfortunate that the attempt has been so long delayed,......
The Prince Of Wales At The Mansion House On Thursday
week made a capital speech about his long tour in Canada and the United States. His anecdote about the woman who spoke to him at a wayside station in Canada, saying, " My......
Lord Robert Cecil And Other Well-known Men And Women Made
an eloquent appeal in Monday's Times for help for Southern Russia. They ask not so much for money as for personal service in that distressed country, where civilization has, so......
A Correspondent In Last Saturday's Morning Poet Stated...
ex-Service men who are being selected for Government employment in India are asked : " (a) What they think of the Montagu Reforms ; or (la) Are they prepared to carry them out......
At The By-election In The St. Albans Division Colonel Fre.
mantle retained the seat for the Unionists. He had 9,621 votes. The Labour candidate, Mr. Brown, was second on the poll with 8,908 votes. The Independent Liberal, Mr. Milner......
The Ministerial Statements In The Italian Chamber Show...
the Adriatic question is still unsolved. America has been unable as yet to accept the very moderate compromise over Istria and Dalmatia proposed by Signor Tittoni, and the dis-......
Bank Rate, 6 Per Cent.,changed From 5 Per Cent. Nov.
6, 1919.......
The House Of Commons On Friday Week Passed Through All
its stages a Bill to increase old-age pensions to 108. a week for persons over seventy whose income from other sources does not exceed £31 10s. a year. The weekly pension was......