The Hedjaz Arab administration recently set up in North- Eastern
Syria, has already got into difficulties. Its Governor at Rakka, on the Euphrates east of Aleppo, began his rule on December 11th by attacking the town of Deir ez Zor, further down stream, imprisoning the British and Arab officials, and burning their offices. The Emir Feisul has repudiated the offender and ordered his arrest. The affair is obviously the outcome of a Turkish intrigue with the unruly Arabs of the Upper Euphrates Valley, whom the Turks could never tame. It has little military significance, as the tribesmen are incapable of serious operations. But it illustrates the weakness of Hedjaz Arab rule ; namely, its lack of trained and honest adminis- trators. The rebel Governor, a local Arab, was, it is said, a Turkish spy who escaped hanging through the good offices of friends at Mecca, and then, in the Oriental manner, was pro- moted to high office. Such men are sure to make trouble.