27 DECEMBER 1919, Page 3

We are very glad that the House of Lords on

Thursday week insisted on maintaining Lord Newton's amendment to the Aliens Bill. The wholesale deportation of all remaining enemy aliens, except those who by luck or favour could secure a licence to remain, would be a needless cruelty at this time. The danger- ous enemy aliens who were interned have been sent home. Those enemy aliens who remain are for the most part women, children, and old men. The House of Lords thought that no one should be deported unless a complaint was made against him and substantiated on inquiry. The Lords' firmness was rewarded on Friday week when, at the instance of the Govern- ment, the House of Commons agreed to the Bill as amended. There was then the curious spectacle of Unionists abusing the Upper House and Liberals playing variations on the theme " God bless the House of Lords ! "