[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sin.,—Lord Lonsdale, in his
letter to you, in which he states that he suppoits Mr. Mills' Circus, concludes thus : " I in no way hold any brief for local and travelling Menageries, for I fear I dislike them owing to their continual movement and enclosed cages." Is Lord Lonsdale aware that the lions which have been travelling from town to town with Mr. Mills' Circus were kept for some time in ordinary travelling vans in i,eicester cattle market before"they joined Mr. Mills' Circus at Luton, that they hrd been 'associated with' Mr.
Collins' Circus, that some of Mr. Mills' turns are the same as appeared at Pat Collins' Circus last Christmas, and that Mr. Collins takes a small travelling menagerie from one fair
ground to another ?—I am, Sir, &c., BRUCE Ersnumn. _ Glendower, Cropston, or. Leicester.