Dull Sermons
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SHI,—I perhaps overstep my province in attempting to traverse the charges made by Mr. Clayton in your issue of December 13th, against the......
Voluntary Hospitals
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sta,—If your correspondent, Mr. Bowyer, would extend his enquiries, I think he would find that almost all the large provincial hospitals in......
[To the Editor of the SrEerxron.1 Sni,—Most ehurchpeople will, I think, feel that both the writer on " Divorce," and the previous writer, who in an article on irreligion......
[to The Editor Of The Spectator.]
Sot, —Mr. Clayton does well to attack the number and quality of the sermons preached to-day. Unfortunately, it is not generally realized that the Prayer Book only orders one......