27 DECEMBER 1930, page 24

Strange Marriage. By Netta Syrett. (geoffrey Bles. 7s....

book develops a situation well enough, but unfortunately it is a situation which for modern readers has only an academic interest. Given a boy of fifteen, whose ignorance of the......

A Woman On Her Way. By John Van Druten. (putnam.

7s. 6d.)—It is meant as a compliment when we say that Mr. Van Druten's book reminds us of an amateur photo- grapher's album of snapshots. He has a genius for capturing the moods......

Morning Sorrow. By John Rothenstein. (constable....

book is well worn, but it has been treated with a refreshing and almost parable-like simplicity and dignity. It is a study of the early life of a young village girl and her......

Esme's Sons. By A. R. Weekes. (constable. 7s. 6d.) —miss

Weekes' new novel, which, her publishers assure us, is " by far the most passionate and moving story she has yet written," has a subject of unusual promise. Algy and Sydney,......

Gunman. By F. C. Coe. (mundanus. 8a), -gunman Presents An

exciting and vivid picture of American crime. The story deals with the activities of Antonio Scrarvak, a prosperous egg merchant and king, in his neighbourhood, of bootleggers......

In Masquerade. By Margaret Behrens. (jenkins. 7s. Od.)—it...

difficult task to write a light, nonsensical tale in a manner which does not have the effect of boring the reader after a short time, but Mrs. Behrens has produced an excellent......

The Governor Of Kattowitz. By Graham Seton. (thornton...

6d.)—We have here a book of intrigue and espionage, so thrillingly and convincingly written that it is difficult to believe the author is not recording actual facts, which a......


BROAD ACRES. By J. E. Cranswick. (Constable. 7s. 6d.). —This is a long and rather complicated account of country life and manners in Yorkshire in the 'eighties. The story hinges......

The " Little Review "

My Thirty Years War. By Margaret Anderson. (Knopf. Its.) THE reader who knows the Little Review will know about Miss Anderson, but in this country many more will have heard of......