Reprisals in Memel • In spite of a recent improvement
in the situation Memel' remains a danger-spot for Europe, for discontent and stability there are an invitation to those who think they have wrongs to right—and its history contains many wrongs, real and fancied. Before the appointment of the present directorate it was the German population which, with the support of the Reich, protested against acts of racial intolerance by the Lithuanians. Now the new German directorate imitates its Lithuanian predecessor, German officials are reinstated and forty Lithuanian offi- cials have been dismissed. Such evidence that neither side in Memel intends to respect the rights of the other is disturbing. The prevalence of such an atmosphere is precisely what makes Memel so good a theatre for one of those little acts of aggression which Europe should have learnt to fear. The vigilance of the Guaranteeing Powers can clearly not be relaxed. Their good faith was demon- strated to Herr Hitler during the recent elections, and it is reasonable to look to him to discourage any attempts to make capital externally out of difficulties at Memel.
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