27 DECEMBER 1935, page 16


The late William Robinson grew very irate on the subject' of Allwoodii pinks." He wrote . that the name was false, that there was no such plant, that he had never seen a......

Tree Surgery

If winter reveals the beauty of trees, it is also merciless in exposing damage and defects. The fierce weather of 10135.---a bitter year for all tree owners—has been so disas-......

Burning Woods

Sweet chestnut has many virtues, but it ranks among average 'woods as firewood. It burns moderately. It can never rival the fierceness and steadiness of oak and beech or the......

Country Life

Wooding Wooding, the 'cutting of ash or hazel or most often . sweet.1 chestnut copses, begins soon after Christmas in the south, and goes on all through the late winter until......

A Country Dish

Finally, what are wigs ? Dictionaries do not help, Miss White says nothing, and I confess ignorance. Ent Miss Jane Gamer . provides the following recipe in a country MS. cookery......

A Winter Morning

The morning of' December 17th was freezing white, with ice up to half an inch, the rime like snow in the grass, the furrows . sheeted with glass. Small-bird life seemed suddenly......