One Question That Most People Have Been Asking Them- Selves
ever since the Abyssinian trouble began is who is responsible for the amazingly correct and effective diplomatic statements that have been emanating from Adds Ababa: As everyone......
The B.b.c.'s Second News Bulletin Seems To Be Beyond All
hope—simply because whoever arranges it remains convinced that he ought to provide entertainment instead of instruction. The fiasco on the night of the Peace-Plan debate in the......
. The Jubilee Of The Indian National Congress Is An
event well worth noting. In 1885, when A. a Hume, son of the famous Parliamentary "guardian of the public purse," created the first political organisation in India, no......
Not Much Notice Has Been Taken Of A Rather Interesting
remark by Lord Winterton in the Peace-Plan debate. little more than six months," said the Member for Horsham, "public opinion inside and outside the House has in effect driven......
At Last—though There May Well Have Been Other Eases Which
I have not noticed—a coroner has spoken some plain words on the dangers of the no-hooting- after-11.30 rule. The inquest was at Manchester, on a man killed by a car, and the......
A Spectator's Notebook T He Daily Papers Have Told The World
pretty much all there is to know about the new Foreign Secretary. Further curiosity, if it exists, may secure some satis- faction from a study of the book by his brother Sir......
Mr. Ormsby-gore's Predecessor At The Office Of Works Is,...
him, an author ; but though Mr. Lansbury did, I believe, refer very justifiably in his autobiography to his achievements as Lido-maker, he produced no volume bearing directly on......