One question that most people have been asking them- Selves
ever since the Abyssinian trouble began is who is responsible for the amazingly correct and effective diplomatic statements that have been emanating from Adds Ababa: As everyone knows Who .reads the papers, they have been without exception dignified and restrained, and at the same time invariably pertinent and forceful. The draftsman of by far the greater number of them, I am assured by an informant who has been in personal touch with the Emperor within the last two months, is Haile Seilassie himself. In some of them the hand of the French adviser, M. Gaston jeze, who regularly appears with the Abyssinian delegate at Geneva, is no doubt to be .traced, and of course documents drafted in Amharic have to be translated into French or English. But, broadly speaking, the answer to the question—who drafts the Emperor's declarations ?—is, the Emperor. He is probably abler than any of his subjects.