At the recent meeting of Carreras, Ltd,, the distinguished Chairman of the company, the Marquess of Reading, attributed the higher profits achieved during the past year to the improve- ment in general trade and industry which had led to a greater expenditure by the public. In his regretted absence, owing to indisposition, Lord Reading's speech was read by Mr. Harry W. Danbury, and it was explained that the allocation of 1100,000 to contingencies was due to the board's desire to provide an additional reserve to meet any expenditure which might be found necessary in future years to deal with increased competition or with altered conditions in the home or export markets. Out of the increased profits the company. is paying an additional bonus of 5 per cent. and Lord Reading emphasised that the position had been further consolidated as a result of the past year's trading. Reserves, with the allocation proposed, would, Lord Reading said, amount to £1,188,704, making a total available for eventualities, with the Profit and Loss balance, of £2,471,598. Lord Reading also spoke hopefully with regard to the outlook.