Dr. Pusey has evidently got a profound conviction that true
unity of spirit is engendered by common repulsion rather than common attraction. " Any one," he confides to the Record, "who knows anything of human nature, knows in what countless cases the fear of Hell first drove men to their forgotten God and Saviour," and, therefore, he calls the Lord Chancellor's recent judgment in the case of " Essays and Reviews" " soul-des- troying," and, on exactly the same principle, he offers to ally him- self with the Record, on the ground of a strong common repulsion to that judgment,—an offer which the Record, recognizing in the most cordial spirit that common hatreds imply a truly Christian unity of spirit, gladly accepts, calls Dr. Pusefs letter "admirable and faithful," and sounds the call to common action on the part of all who think with the new Puseyite and the old Evangelical party that, as Dr. Posey naively reminds us, " God when He revealed Hell, knew the creatures which he had made better than these people." This, then, is to be the basis of the new coalition
judgment. Dr. Pusey writes, and the Record receives what he says, exactly as if our Lord had come preaching and revealing not Himself and the Kingdom of God, but the Devil and the King- dom of Hell, in order that the scared human race might walk back- wards from the bottomless pit, and so recoil into their Saviour's arms. It is a curious example of a great spiritual engine with the wheels reversed.