More Fun For Our Little Friends. Illustrated By E. H.
Wehnert (Sampson Low, Son, and Marston.)—Simple little stories for very young children, but the fun must be looked for in Mr. Wehnert's pictures. The dream story is, however,......
The Grade Lesson - Book. Sixth Standard. By E. T. Stevens...
Charles Hole. (Longman and Co.)—This completes the primary course of instruction required under the Revised Code, and the whole course appears to ns admirably adapted not only......
Expulsion Of The English From Normand Y, 1450.* More Than
one Parliamentary leader has made the House smile sympathetically, by confessing that his acquaintance with the * Narratives of the Expulsion of the English from Normandy,......
Ne Coil?' Or, B0771 To Good Luck. By C. Dagobert.
(London : Dula% Paris : Truchy.)—The writer boasts that he has comprised the whole French language in this one tale, and for the purposes of conversation we think he has.......
Current Literature.
Autobiography of Lyman Beecher, D.D. Edited by his son, Charles Beecher. Vol. I. (Sampson Low, Son, and Co.)—A rather remarkable book. It is the life of a famous revivalist......