Mr. Gladstone's Bill For Granting Deferred Annuities To...
is, it appears, to be resisted. The working men conspicuous in the management of trades-unions appear to imagine that it will affect taking care of their Consols. Their real......
The Times, Which Has Always Shown A Vindictive Hatred Of
Sir Walter Crofton's great and successful experiment in Ireland, tries to raise a new prejudice against the surveillance of the prisoners liberated on licence, by narrating at......
Field-marshal Wrangel Has Ordered That German Shall Be...
worship and teaching in all parts of Schleswig except one pariah ; the people may, however, use Danish in services for the sick under certain circumstances. Eighty thousand......
The Police Of Paris Will Have It That 1fs7-zini Was
at the bottom of the recent attempt to assassinate the Emperor. In the acte d'accusation it is affirmed that Mazzini gave the actual conspira- tors a note ordering Greco to do......
A Meeting Of Americans In London Was Held Last Week
in Regent Street, to organize a committee to work in concert with one formed in Paris, for obtaining subscriptions or goods towards the great fair to be held in New York on the......
Dr. Pusey Has Evidently Got A Profound Conviction That True
unity of spirit is engendered by common repulsion rather than common attraction. " Any one," he confides to the Record, " who knows anything of human nature, knows in what......
Judgment Was Passed Yesterday On The Four Italian...
and Trgbucco were condemned to transportation for life, and Imperatore and Sciaglioni to twenty years' transportation.......
Lord Clarence Paget Tried To Explain Away The Reduction Of
the number of sailors and boys iu the Navy on Thursday night. He said our force was really increasing, because every iron-plated ship, substituted for the old line-of-battle......
The Bill For Allowing Linseeded Malt To Escape Duty Passed
its second reading on Wednesday, after a debate in which everybody cavilled at the Bill, and everybody voted for it. Most of the arguments used simply amounted to pleas for the......
The Democratic Convention For The Nomination Of The Next...
of the United States will meet at Chicago on the 4th July next. The Republicans will wait to see the result of their enemies' deliberations before they nominate their next......
There Is A Pleasant State Of Affairs Existing In Ross-shire.
Theis' has hitherto been no police there, there is a good deal of poverty in winter, the sheriffs look upon sheep-stealing as London magis- trates do upon maiming, viz., as an......