The agitation among the minor States of Germany seems to
increase. The forces of the great Powers being in motion, it is thought that the little Powers may be eaten up, and a con- ference for combined action has been held at Wurzburg. The resolutions arrived at are variously reported, but they are said to include a resolve to reserve the question of succession in Holstein to the Diet, and to "mobilize" the minor armies. This would be a menace to the two great Powers, but the minor States are not in the Diet quite so brave.. It was proposed that they should declare the London Treaty of no value, and that its execution had been rendered impossible ; but they declined, and only refused to receive King Christian's representative, and ordered another " report " on the succession. These Princes have 15,000,000 of people and 200,000 soldiers, but neither leader nor organization, and their advisers talk with imbecile irresolution of asking the "protection " of Louis Napoleon. If they do, Prussia and Austria will declare them traitors, and dethrone them with their subjects' consent.