We are asked to notice the claims of two societies
now striving unknown to each other for the same end. One, of which Mr. Gladstone is President, calls itself the Night Refuge Society, and has established a refuge for the homeless in Newport Market, which is accomplishing real good, and wants funds.—Treasurer, Mr. W. C. Cocks, 1 Chester Place. The second is the " Bays- water Young Women's Home," which provides a " home," meals, and lodging, and Christian instruction, for young women employed in West-end houses, and who are turned out in the most peremp- tory way, often to utter ruin. A plan more directly calculated to prevent human misery instead of merely alleviating it it is difficult to conceive, and the managers believe they have saved dozens of respectable girls from trying in despair the life of the streets. The Association, which is governed by ladies, intends to enlarge its operations by tripling, if possible, its accommodation, and also wants aid.—Treasurer, Mr. J. C. Marshman, 7 Kensington Palace Gardens.