The French debate on Madagascar ended on Monday without result,
M. Casimir Perier making a speech only intended to beat time. He admitted that the situation at Antananarivo was " unsatisfactory to patriotism," the Hova Government not punishing the attacks of brigands upon French settlers with sufficient severity. The Government had therefore warned the Malagasy authorities that they would be held responsible for French lives, but they thought it would be equally imprudent to say an expedi- tion would be sent, and that it would not be, especially as in the former case there must be careful preparation. The Chamber, therefore, accepted a resolution declaring that, "resolved to support the Government in what it may do to maintain our situation and our rights in Mada- gascar, we pass to the Order of the Day." Note that the Hova Government has sent an English settler in Madagascar to confer with Mr. Cecil Rhodes. We thought he would have a finger in that pie before the French landed in the island.