Berlin Is Greatly Excited By Reports Of A Reconciliation...
between the Emperor and Prince Bismarck. It seems that the Emperor, hearing of the Prince's illness, sent him a kind letter, and forwarded him a bottle of rare wine, invited......
The French Debate On Madagascar Ended On Monday Without...
M. Casimir Perier making a speech only intended to beat time. He admitted that the situation at Antananarivo was " unsatisfactory to patriotism," the Hova Government not......
The Local Government Bill Was Read A Second Time On
Thursday in the House of Lords without opposition. Lora Ripon, who had charge of the Bill, represented it as not changing anything in the Poor-law except the mode of electing......
Lord Lansdowne Made His Final Speech In Calcutta On Tuesday,
23rd inst., in which he defended rather seriously his whole administration. He did not believe that the policy of raising the value of the rupee by closing the Indian mints had......
On Saturday Last, A Very Remarkable Conference, Composed...
of the coal-mining and manufactured iron industries of the North of England, was held at Durham to consider the question of conciliation. The Bishop of Durham, who presided, put......
The Funeral Of The Dowager Lady Sidmonth Took Place In
Albury parish churchyard on Monday last. Lady Sidmouth. who died in her hundredth year, was " a link with the past," in a specially interesting sense. As a girl, she had lived......
At The United Service Institution On Friday, January...
Laird Clowes read a paper on "The Ram in Action and in Accident," which contained some very curious facts. It is assumed that, " given a slight superiority of speed and good......
Bank Rate, 3 Per Cent. New Consols (2-1,) Were On
Friday 98i.......