The Right Hon. J. T. Hit) Bert Is Secretary To
the Treasury, and by no means the kind of man who says unwarrantable things. We cannot therefore but attach importance to his speech of Saturday at Oldham, in which he intimated......
The Local Government Bill Was Read A Second Time On
Thursday in the House of Lords without opposition. Lora Ripon, who had charge of the Bill, represented it as not changing anything in the Poor-law except the mode of electing......
Sir William Harc Ourt Made One Of His Dashing Speeches-
to his constituents at Derby on Wednesday,—one of those speeches that give the impression of politically loaded dice, because they leave out so completely all the considerations......
Mr. Balfour's Second Speech At Manchester, Delivered At...
Church Schoolroom on Tuesday, was chiefly devoted to a masterly handling of the question of compensation for injuries to workmen. We have dealt with this elsewhere, but must......
Mr. Balfour Began A Series Of Speeches To His Constituents
in East Manchester on Monday with a really great speech on National Defence, which he treated as a question entirely above party,—as even Sir William Harcourt recognised when......
Mr. Balfour, In His Third, Or Wednesday's, Speech At Man-
chester, declared that the action of the Government in passing such a revolutionary Bill as the Home-rule Bill through the House of Commons, by the use of the guillotine, had......
The Chief Subject-matter Of Sir William Harcourt's...
Wednesday was, of course, the obstruction practised by the minority, and the claims made for the House of Lords. . He compared the majority in the House of Commons to a big boy,......