M. Chvalkovsky in Berlin Germany has rather less need to
show tact towards Czecho-Slovakia than towards Poland. The Czechs have recognised and accepted the conditions created by the Munich agreement, and both in their internal and their ex- ternal policies have tried to conform with German desires. They are not yet, however, prepared for complete subser- vience, though any resistance to Germany is difficult if not impo3sible. M. Beran, the Prime Minister, and M. Chval- i:ovsky, the Foreign Minister, have both been known in the past for their sympathy with Germany, and the new regime is Czecho-Slovakia shows how far they are willing to go in introducing totalitarian ideas. Even this, however, is not enough ; and on his visit to Berlin M. Chvalkovsky was warned by Herr von Ribbentrop of Germany's dissatisfac- tion. The Press is still not sufficiently gleichgeschaltet for German tastes, anti-semitism not sufficiently vigorous, and economic life not directed sufficiently to the profit of Ger- many. It is reported that Germany threatens to introduce censorship of the Press, which has dared to criticise Herr Kundt, the leader of the German minority. Czecho-Slovakia is in some ways proving herself a less compliant neighbour than Poland ; certainly she cannot be depended on as a source of strength to Germany in the event of war.