27 JANUARY 1939, page 21

The Abolition Of Flogging [to The Editor Of The Spectator]

SIR, —While so much has been written in the Press lately about the pros and cons of flogging as a deterrent punishment, it seems to me remarkable how comparatively little......

The Prime Minister's Cordiality

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR] SIR, — In the article on " The Fruits of Rome " in your issue of January loth, the fact that the personal relations between the Prime Minister......

Diplomatic Assets [to The Editor Of The Spectator]

Sit,—Mr. Harold Nicolson informs us that it is quite under- standable that the Munich agreement should be regarded as a tremendous diplomatic disaster and Mr. Chamberlain as a......

The Cane And The " Cat "

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR] SIR, —Mr. Kittermaster says that the system now prevailing in public schools whereby senior boys art allowed to cane junior boys " does nothing......

The Advertiser And The Press

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR] SIR, —Purely from the point of view of a film critic, I should like to comment on several of the statements made .by Mr. F. P. Bishop in The......

[to The Editor Of The Spectator] Sir,—mr. B. Fair, The

writer of a letter in last week's Spectator, observes that " it is common knowledge that garrotting was stamped out by corporal punishment." " Common know- ledge " is an easy......