27 JANUARY 1939, page 36

Finance And Investment Rather Sooner Than Most Of Us...

we did expect it—stock markets have surrendered to another bad attack of political nerves. This has happened not merely in London and the Continental centres but also in Wall......

Exit Dr. Schacht

Just what has induced this attack of the jitters at this particular time it is not easy to define, but there can be no doubt that Dr. Schacht's dismissal from the Reichsbank,......

Mr. Campbell On Trade

This week's markets have scarcely presented the bank chairmen with a helpful atmosphere for their annual speeches, but these authoritative reviews have a certain quality of......

Westminster Chairman Backs Export Drive

It is good to see the bankers offering whole-hearted—and one hopes open-handed—support for Mr. Hudson's pro- posals for reviving the export trade. At the Westminster Bank......