The Territorial Army It is satisfactory that the Committee on
Territorial Army Finance and Organisation appointed last March by the Minister of War and presided over by Lord Strathcona should have found the administration by the County Asso- ciations so basically sound, even after the strain of the War and post-War years, that " in view of the civilian character of the Territorial Army no other form of administration is practicable." Various desirable changes are indicated: closer touch with localities ; the appointment of local com- mittees with a representative on the Association where towns have over 25,000 inhabitants ; joint secretaries in some cases for purposes of economy and efficiency ; simpler regu- lations and more latitude for the Associations in order to reduce office work ; and care in avoiding unnecessarily large reserves since the annual grant is intended to be spent each year. The Report of the Committee has been adopted almost in its entirety by the Government, who have sanc- tioned an immediate increase of about £195,000 a year in the total income drawn by the Associations. With a more adequate supply of modern weapons, which it is acquiring by degrees, the Territorial Army should emerge from the difficult years of the immediate past well equipped and effi- ciently organised. * * * *