In a more precise programme of the probable course respecting
the closing scenes of the Irish State trial, the Standard rescues Govern- ment from the sneer of the Morning Post for having fixed on the 25th of August as the last day of the session- " The Judges will not all be in town until Friday the 23d of August : their Lordships shortly afterwards will have a meeting to consider the questions pro- pounded to them by the House of Lords ; and it is generally expected that judgment in the case of Mr. D. O'Connell, and the other traversers, will be given either on Thursday the 29th or Friday the 30th of August. As before stated, when the public business of Parliament is brought to a close, both Houses will adjourn from time to time until the judgment on the writ of error is pronounced. There will be no formal prorogation until that question is decided."
The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council have appointed Tues- day next to assemble and hear appeals from the Ecclesaistical Courts.