27 JULY 1844, page 13

Agricultural Oratory.

Tax imagination loves to dwell upon what is remote from daily life. Town ladies read about rustic beauties, and country milliners de- light in novels of the Silver-fork school.......

Is Lying The Best Thing To Serve Ireland? It Would

be a very fortunate event for Ireland if a love of truth could be instilled into her leading men. Falsehood and anger are the two prime movers of ninety-nine-hundredths of the......

The Great Burns Festival, At Ayr On The 6th Of

August, is talked of far and wide—in Scotland it is the theme of incessant talk ; and far and wide will the pilgrims move towards the spot. The noble in rank as well as genius......

The Ballet.

FANNY ELSSLER has at last vouchsafed to grant the prayers of her vo- taries, which means all true devotees of the ballet, by assuming a new incarnation—that of a peasant-girl......