Postscript. Saturday Night.
Both Houses were hard at work with "business" last night. The House of Lords sat from five o'clock till nine. The Irish Party Pro- cessions Bill, a continuance bill, occasioned......
It Is Well Known That King Louis Philippe Has Promised
to pay her Majesty a visit this autumn. It is now understood that his Majesty will embark at Treport, in the month of September, for this country. His Majesty will be......
At The Annual Distribution Of Prizes Of The City Of
London School, yesterday, it was announced that Mr. Beaufoy had established a scholar- ship of 501. per annum for the encouragement of mathematical science.......
A Letter Dated Alexandria, 6th July 1844, Reports The...
of the new Governor-General of India- " Sir Henry Hardinge, who left Alexandria on the 25th of June, reached Cairo on the following day, and remained there to visit the lions of......
The Result Of Dr. Wolff 's Mission To Bokhara Is
stated by the Malta Times, on the authority of a letter from Colonel Shell : Colonel Stoddart and Captain Conolly were publicly executed in June 1842. Dr. Wolff was to set out......
At A General Meeting Of The New Zealand Company Yesterday,
Mr. Aglionby stated, that the inquiry into New Zealand affairs had been conducted by the Parliamentary Committee with the utmost fairness, and that the report would probably be......
The Anti-awry Reporter Says That Its Last Advices...
state of Cuba es " terrine" ; the hatred entertained by the Whites against the slaves now extending to the free Black and the Coloured people: 1,470 persons were in prison ; and......
The Queen's Ship Vindictive Has Arrived From The Pacific,...
papers from Rio de Janeiro to the 11th of June, and from Valparaiso to the 28th of April. There is nothing in the Brazil papers. The de facto Government of Peru, under Vivanca,......
In A More Precise Programme Of The Probable Course...
the closing scenes of the Irish State trial, the Standard rescues Govern- ment from the sneer of the Morning Post for having fixed on the 25th of August as the last day of the......