The upward tendency of the British Securities at the close of last week, has been succeeded by a further improvement of 4 per cent; Consols having reached par on Tuesday and Wednesday. The advance in the Reduced Stocks and New Three-and-a-half per Cents has been equal to that of Consols. The Government-broker has continued his purchases ; and occasionally given the preference to Reduced, in consequence of the jobbers being so exceedingly short of Money Stock in Console, that he could be supplied with the former on better terms. The advance has also been greatly aided by the continued fine weather ; little fear being entertained of a decrease in the stock of bullion at the Bank by any importation of foreign corn. On Tuesday at the close of the market, a large speculative sale of 250,000/. Consols for the Account caused a depression of 4 per cent : they recovered on Wednesday, but receded per cent at the end of the day, as small parcels of Money Stock were brought to market by different brokers ; the high price tempting many to realize. Yesterday, at the opening, they were again rather flatter, in consequence of a fall at Paris, the Bourse being affected by the intelligence from Morocco. Andther rally was succeeded today by another trifling depression. Money continues exceedingly abundant; and in consequence, Exchequer Bills have increased in value to 81.
By the return of the liabilities and assets of the Bank of England made last week, the average of the thirteen weeks ending the 13th July, as compared with the average of the thirteen weeks ending the 20th April, shows an in- crease in the Deposits of 362,000/., a decrease in the Circulation of 181,0001., and a decrease in the Bullion of 248,0001.; from which it appears that the in- crease in the Liabilities is 181,0001.
In the Foreign Market, there has not been much movement generally.
Mexican Stock has continued to attract attention ; and an improvement of1 per cent occurred on Tuesday, as there are sanguine expectations that the di- vidend due in April last will soon he paid : it has since, however, gradually declined It per cent. Buenos Ayres have also been in favour, in consequence of a letter addressed by Messrs. BARING to the Committee of the Stock Exchange, enclosing a copy of one from their agent at Buenos Ayres, dated 21st May, and a copy of a decree of the House of Representatives, confirming the arrangement previously entered into with the Executive by which the sum of 5,000 bard dollars per month will be paid over for the bene- fit of the Bondholders, until some final arrangement can be made for perma- nently providing for the Public Debt. This was announced some weeks ago, but is now confirmed; and this statement was the means of raising the value of the Stock on the market 14 per cent. Spanish Threes and Five per Cents have undergone but trifling fluctuation compared to last week, and are much the same in value. The Dutch Funds have all declined per cent today ; the New and Old Five per Cents, chiefly on account of the publication of a decree from Holland by which it appears that the interest on the New Five per Cents will cease on the 1st September next, and that the holders, who are desirous of receiving money for their Bonds, are to present them in Amsterdam, to be stamped for that purpose, before the 20th August ; or they must otherwise re- ceive a Four per Cent Stock, at 954, in exchange, and the balance of 44 per Cent in cash. The holders of the Old Five per Cents are allowed from the 1st to the 20th August next to determine whether they will exchange their Bonds for Four per Cents at 954, and receive the difference of 44 per cent in money.
The Share Market has been very active; and some further material improve- ment has taken place in most of the heavy ones. London and Birmingham have risen 51.; Manchester and Leeds, 81.; Great Western, South-western, and York and North Midland, 31.: Birmingham and Gloucester, 41.; Bristol and Exeter, Newcastle and Darlington, 21.; Hull and Selby, 1/. South- eastern Old and New Shares improved during the week 11. per share, in conse- quence of the meeting alluded to in last week's report, which took place yester- day : they declined 10s. after the meeting terminated, but are rather better to- day. Great North-of-England are 11. lower this week.
In the English Market, prices of nearly every description of the Government Securities have improved 4 per cent, and look firm : Consols for Money and the Account, 991 1; Three per Cent Reduced, 100/ 4; Three-and-a-half per Cent
Ditto, 1034; New Three-and-a-half per Cents, 1024 1; Bank Stock, 1994 200; Exchequer Bills, 78s. 80s ; India Stock, 286 7.
In the Foreign House, the Dutch Market is a shade better today ; the Two- and-a-half per Cents being 611 4; Old Fives, Ditto, 1011 ; Ditto, New Fives, 101 4 ; Belgian, 1034 44 ; Brazilian, 83 4 ; Chilian, 104 6 ; Danish, 884 94 ; Mexican, 36 i4 ; Ditto, Deferred, 154 164 ; Portuguese, ew Five per Cents, 44 5; Russian, 119, 20 ; Spanish Active, 221 3 ; Ditto, Three per Cents, 334 4. In Railway Shares, prices continue firm; but nothing particular has occurred in them at present as to variation in value.
3 per Cent Consols 99* 8
Colombian ex Venezuela.... 131
14 Ditto for Account 994 1 Danish 3 per Cents 884 94 &per Cent Reduced 100* 4 Dutch 24 per Cents.... 61* 1
aj. per Cent Ditto
1034 4 Ditto .$ per Cents 1014 2 New 34 per Cents 1024 1 Mexican 5 per Cents ........ 364 4 Bank Stook 200 Ditto Deferred 164
Rachequer Bills ........prem. 78 80 Portuguese New 5p.Cts.1841 44 5
India Stock.. , 286 7
Russian 5 per Cents 119
120 Brazilian 5 per Cents 83 4
I Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 221
3 Belgian 5 per Cents 1034 44
Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 338 1 Chilian 6 per Cents...,,.,........ 104 6 1
Venezuela Active ......... , 4.14 42f
The English Market has continued almost stationary, and few transactions have been entered into. Console leave off, for Money and Account, 99/ 1; Three per Cent Reduced, 1001 4 ; Three-and-a-half per Cent, Ditto, 1034 4 ; New Three-and-a-half per Cents, 1024 1; Bank Stock, 200; Exchequer Bills, 78 80; India Stock, 286 7.
In the Foreign House, business has been quite languid ; but prices have remained steady. Belgian, 1034 44; Brazilian, 83 4; Chilian, 104 6 ; Danish, 884 94; Dutch Two-and-a-half per Cents, 614 4; Ditto, Old Fives, 1014 2 ; Mexican, 364 4; Ditto, Deferred. 164; Portuguese New Fires, 44 5 ; Russian, 119 20; Spanish Active, 221 3 ; Ditto, Three per Cents, 331 4. In Railway Shares, bargains were effected at the end of the day at the follow- ing prices per Share : Birmingham and Derby, 734; Birmingham and Glouces- ter, 1084; Bristol and Exeter, 81; Chester and Holyhead, 51; Chichester and Brighton, 44 ; Dublin and Cashel. 54 ; Eastern Counties, 124; Ditto, New Registered, 144; Edinburgh and Glasgow, 641; Ditto, Quarter-Shares, 164 ; Great North of England, 101; Great Western, 1364; ; Ditto, Half- Shares, 844; Ditto, Fifths, 244; Lancaster and Carlisle, 44 ; London and Birmingham, 228; Blackwell, 74; Brighton, 483; Greenwich, 73; South- western, 87; Croydon, 184; Manchester and Leeds, 120; Ditto, Half-Shares, 51; Manchester and Birmingham, 541 ; Midland Counties, 102 ; North British, 14; Norwich and Brandon, 13 ; South-eastern and Dover, Old Shares, 371; Thames and Medway, 10; Trent Valley, 94; Whitehaven and Mary- port, 24; Yarmouth and Norwich, 29; York and North Midland, 1104; Ditto, Half-Shares, 55; Ditto, Scarborough Branch, 214.