ARRIVED.-At Gravesend, July 21st, Windsor, Furnell, from-Bengal; 22d, Herald, Cowbro; and 24th,_General Hewitt, Hart, from New South Wales; Fortitude, Buck- ham ; and Emerald Isle, Curling, tram China. In the Channel, Romeo, Pollock ; M. S. Elphinstone, Eagles; Countess Minto, M'Millan ; Emily, Anderson ; Marquis of Hastings, Biddle; Catherine Jamieson, Hutchinson ; and John Bartlett, -, all from Bengol; Rateliff, Garrett; Rookery, Bourne; and Dutchess of Northumberland, Seott, from China; La Belle Alliance, Pryce, from Singapore; True Briton, Consitt; Hydra. bad, Robertson; and John Line, Edwards. from Bombay ; New Express, Hewitt; and Mary Elizabeth. Thorn, from Ceylon; Andromeda, Sutton ; Mayflower, Headley; Lard Kean, Roberts; East London, Parley ; and Francis Spaight, Winn, from New South Wales; Thomas Henry, Churchward, from Cochin; Marmion, Millie. from Ma- dras; J. T. Carr, Faddy, from Mauritius; and Lady ISPNaghten, Young, from Java. At Liverpool, 22d, Queen Mab, Ainley. from China ; Anne. -, from Bombay ; and Heart of Oak. id Donald. from Mauritius; 24th, Glendaragh, Kinlock ; Competi-
tor, Poole; and The Duke, Bissett, from Bombay ; 25th, Chieftain, Payne ; and Lu- cinda, Scollay, from ditto ; Anne Mary, Faulkner ; and Earl Grey, -, from Bengal. At St. Helena, previous to Sth June, Louisa, Jackson, from Singapore ; David Clark, Mills ; and Mandane, Hutchinson, from Bombay ; Auu Mondell,-Roberts; and Cypress, Appleby, from Bengal ; and William Pitt, Francis, from Mauritius.
At the Cape, previous to 15th May. Vigilant, Brown ; Anna: Robertson, Munro ; Enmore, Ellis; George Town, Bell ; Poietiens, Deuuy; and Thomas Snook, Laing, from Loudon ; Haidee, Marshall, from Liverpool ; BeccIes, Brown ; and Emma, White. from Newcastle; and Olivia.Rounte, from Bengal. At New South Wales, previous to 5th April, Munro, Balfour, from Liverpool ; and Arachne, -. from London.
Sausim-From Gravesend, July 21st, Britannia. Hardie, for Bengal ; and 22d, Southampton, Bowen, for ditto.
From Liverpool, 18th, Black Prince, Supple ; 20th, Malcolm. Simon ; and 21st. Lady Sandy., Pentreath, for Singapore. SATURRAY Dictroart. ARMTEK...-. Mary Rowe, Goble; and John King, Bristowe, from the Mauritius; and Bromleya, Knox, from the Cape. At Liverpool, John Moore, Withycombe, from