'be Court.
ME Queen has passed a very quiet week at Windsor. Preparations for what the newspapers call the "interesting event" multiply : Dr. Locock, Dr. Ferguson, Sir James Clarke, and Mrs. Lilly, are all lodged in the Castle and its precincts.
The Court newsman only has to record the drives and walks of her Majesty and Prince Albert ; and the movements of visitors, arriving or departing. Among the visitors, have been the Earl and Countess De Grey. Prince Albert has commenced bee-keeping ; and has engaged to manage his apiary, a Quaker, who addresses the Queen and the Prince as "friends," and remains covered in their presence.
The Queen Dowager has returned to England from the Continent. Her Majesty departed from Antwerp on Wednesday, in the Black agle steamer ; arrived at Woolwich at eight o'clock on Thursday morning ; landed quite privately, and proceeded from Woolwich to Marlborough blouse.
Thursday was the birthday of the Dutchess of Cambridge. Her Royal Highness received congratulatory visits from the Queen Dowa- ger, the Dutchess of Gloucester, the Dutchess of Kent, and Prince Ed- ward of Saxe Weimar.
The Duke and Dutchess of Cambridge, and the Hereditary Grand Duke and Dutchess of Mecklenburg Strelitz, have been busily engaged in visiting during the week.