27 JULY 1844, Page 9


A public meeting was held at Edinburgh, on Thursday week, to de- cide what the political creed of the future Members for the city should be ; those who called the meeting conceiving that they ought to be de- -voted and earnest advocates for the removal of all unjust commercial restrictions, for the complete severance of the political connexion be- tween Church and State, and for the extension to every man of mature age of the power of voting for his Representatives in Parliament. The Chartists interfered ; and, after a good deal of discussion, all the " points " of the Charter were added to the aforesaid requisites for Members ; and resolutions declaring that the City Members henceforth must be Chartists, Voluntaries, and Free-traders combined, were carried.

The cities of Scotland are competing with each other in the excellent object of founding public baths. Dundee is to have this convenience for the people : Lord Kinnaird has promised to give a hundred pounds towards the formation of a bath, and Mr. Duncan, the Member for Dundee, five guineas.

At Troon, last week, two sawyers, who were brothers-in-law, quar- relled while at work in a ship-building yard, and one struck the other several times with a lever-bar shod with iron, so that he died the next morning.

A shoemaker committed suicide on Saturday, at Edinburgh, by jumping over the parapet-wall of the North Bridge into the Physic Gardens.