A History of Part of West Somerset. By Charles E.
H. Chadwick Healey, K.C. (H. Sotberan and Co. £2 2s. net.)—Mr. Healey devotes this volume, containing between five and six hundred octavo pages of the largest size, to a small region, in North-West Somerset, six parishes, of which Porlock and Luccombe (barbarously spelt in the ordinary maps " Luckham")
are the best known. The area of this district is little more than a fiftieth of the acreage of the county, and the population not much more than a three hundredth part. Yet one would not like to say that any part of this volume is superfluous. Let any one look at the records which have been carefully examined in Porlock and Luccombe, and he will see plenty to interest him. There is nothing certainly out of the common, but there are matters that touch on history, and a number of curious details which illustrate social life and the economical condition of the country at the time.