On Tuesday Lord Milner Received The High Honour Of The
freedom of the City of London. His speech in reply was both dignified and able, and we note with special pleasure that he dwelt upon the fact that the Boers would not exchange......
The " Heat-wave," As It Is Called, Which Has Struck
America has produced serious consequences. It has had many of the effects of continued drought, especially in the South-West, where the springs have failed, the grass is burnt......
On Wednesday Education Bill No. 2 Was Got Through Com-
mittee, and may therefore be said to be out of danger. On Thursday the House debated the Army Estimates, and Mr. Brodrick made the very satisfactory announcement that he intends......
The Congress On Tuberculosis Met On Monday In St. James's
Hall, London, and some of the speeches have been of singular interest. For instance, Lord Lister, Dr. Koch, the great master in bacteriology, and Professor Brouardel, Dean of......
As Regards The Possibilities Of Cure The Congress Is Appa-
rently most sanguine, Lord Lister, for example, having seen decided cases of consumption completely cured. He even ventured to hope, if the public will assist the profession,......
Though The Subject Of Debate Was So Dull, Monday Evening
was marked by a very disagreeable incident. Mr. Gibson Bowles thought fit to pay off old scores by making a personal attack on the Ministry of great violence. He spoke......
It Is Said That The Government Will Meet With Very ,
serious opposition when they introduce their Agricultural Land and Tithe Rating Bills. If that proves to be the case, they have an easy course, and we hope they will take it.......
Bank Rate, 3 Per Cent.
New Consols (2i) were on Friday 93.......